Bad Rabbi
Rabbi Baruch Chalomesh
He liked a bit of crack
As he thumbed through the pages of the escort brochure
Not for him the diet coke his idea of a snack
Was pure cocaine
Which he’d go on to explain
Was actually, halachically kosher
In a luxury city centre flat he chopped em out
For the judges and the servants and the northern glitterati
Like the children of Israel when they built that golden cow
Say what you like he threw a hell of a kosher klezmer party
On the Friday night table
It was piled high
Over the candles he would smelt the chollah poppy seeds
He baked a mean hash bagel
He was a wild guy, when he was high
He was pretty fly, for a Rabbi
He was mad wasn’t he?
He was sad wasn’t he?
He lost his wife didn’t she
Leave him half the man he used to be?
He sits in the dock and he sees he’s been a schmuck
And he promises form now on he’ll be good
The defendent’s repentant m’lud
He swears it on the Talmud
So the Judge gives Baruch
A slap on the tuch
He says you’re not just a bad, bad guy
You’re a very bad, bad rabbi.
Rabbi Baruch Chalomesh was learned and wise
He studied at a yisheve in old Yerushalyim
And every day he’d argue til the tears were in his eyes
About which food could be eaten
Should it be chopped, mashed or beaten
And which oil it was permissable to fry in
And you mustn’t boil a baby goat up in its mother’s milk
But where’s it written it’s forbidden
To use coconut or soya
They are devils for the detail Rabbi Baruch and his ilk
They’re like union officials in dispute with their employer
Every hour on the hour a lady from the street
Would press his buzzer and ask to see the rabbi please
And he’d lead them to the bedroom
And he’s say to them ‘My sweet,
My life would be complete,
If you’d peckle my schmekle
Through the hole in this sheet
He was nuts wasn’t he
He was a klutz wasn’t he
No ifs or buts wasn’t he
A pillar of the community
But now he’s distraught
Because white nosed he’s been caught
I don’t blame him for his cravings do you?
For wanting a prostitute or two
To do what no Chardei lady would do
So the judge says Baruch
This time you are in schtuk
You’re not just a bad bad guy
You’re a very very bad rabbi.
Is it good for the Jews?
When we read it in the news
How we worry,
how we scurry
How we cringe
Why could he not have been happy with
Just the occasional spliff?
No one likes to see a Rabbi going out on a binge
What did he think he was doing,
Treating every day like it was Purim?
Rabbi Baruch Chalomesh
An example to us all
Beware ye holier than thou you may end up in his condition
The strong do weaken and the mighty do fall
They start off on the pulpit
They end up as the culprit
It’s the downside to the missionary position
There’s a blessing for the bread
And a blessing for the wine
And there’s something to be said
For a life of piety
When you’re downloading porn
Or you’re chopping out a line
Remember you can still be seen
By the eyes of of the Almighty
And you musn’t drive your car
On a Yom-tov or Shabbat
And as well as your kippah
You must wear a wide brimmed hat
Expose the tassles on your vest
You must let your side-burns curl
And thank Hashem every morning
That you’ve not been born a girl
And you mustn’t lay down
Withe your sister or your mum
Or your father’s other wives
Or the daughter of your son
Or your daughter or her daughter
Or your Grandma or your Aunt
Yes you very may well want to
Well I’m sorry, but you can’t!
Though it’s frowned upon, surprisingly
First cousins they’ll allow,
But not the sheep or the goat
Or the chicken or the cow
If you must drink in Starbucks
Then use a paper cup
But the panini BLTni
Is a thrill you must give up
Never mind those prostitutes
We all know the major
commandments one to ten
But nowhere does it say
‘Thou shalt not snort cocaine’
In any one of them
And in Prestwich and in Heaton Park
And Cheetham Hill
They’re sitting shiva cause his bimma
Now is empty
That randy, rampant Rov
Has popped his last pill
He’s bought his last thrill
Say bye bye
To the Rabbi
He was wild wasn’t he,
Like a child wasn’t he,
He was reviled
And then he was exiled,
Wasn’t he?
He will party no more,
He can’t wait for Yom Kippur,
And he promises those days are dead and gone,
He recognises now that he was wrong,
He’ll no longer use his shofar as a bong,
And the Judge says Baruch,
Let’s not beat around the burning bush,
You’re not just a bad, bad guy
You’re a very bad, bad rabbi
(Chabad Rabbi)